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Oxytocin Acetate


Oxytocin Acetate 2mg Peptide for sale USA warehouse

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  • Oxytocin acetate is a synthetic form of oxytocin, a peptide hormone and neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in various physiological processes in mammals, including social bonding, childbirth, lactation, and reproductive behaviors. Here are some key points about oxytocin acetate:

    • Chemical Structure:

    • Oxytocin acetate is chemically synthesized and typically includes an acetate group attached to the oxytocin molecule. This modification can enhance stability and shelf life compared to natural oxytocin.
    • Biological Function:
    • Oxytocin acts primarily through binding to oxytocin receptors in various tissues, including the uterus, mammary glands, and brain. Its main physiological functions include:
      • Uterine Contraction: Oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth (parturition).
      • Milk Ejection: It triggers the release of milk from the mammary glands (letdown reflex) during breastfeeding.
      • Social Bonding: Oxytocin is implicated in social behaviors, trust, empathy, and bonding between individuals.
    • Clinical Uses:
    • Oxytocin acetate is used clinically in several ways:
      • Induction of Labor: It is administered to induce or augment labor in pregnant women.
      • Postpartum Hemorrhage: Oxytocin is also used to prevent or treat postpartum hemorrhage, a significant cause of maternal mortality.
      • Breastfeeding Support: It aids in the initiation and maintenance of breastfeeding by facilitating milk ejection.
    • Research and Applications:

    • Beyond its reproductive and lactation roles, oxytocin has garnered interest in research for its potential effects on social behaviors, anxiety, stress responses, and therapeutic applications in conditions such as autism spectrum disorders and psychiatric disorders.
    • Administration:
    • Oxytocin acetate is typically administered intravenously or intramuscularly under medical supervision, especially during childbirth or postpartum care.

    In summary, oxytocin acetate is a synthetic version of the natural hormone oxytocin, primarily used in medical settings to facilitate childbirth, promote lactation, and manage postpartum complications. Its broader physiological and potential therapeutic effects continue to be explored in scientific research.


Oxytocin acetate, as a synthetic form of the natural hormone exerts several physiological effects primarily through its interaction with oxytocin receptors in the body. Here are the main effects :

  • Uterine Contractions:
  • Oxytocin acetate stimulates uterine contractions, which is crucial during labor and childbirth. It helps to initiate and progress labor by promoting rhythmic contractions of the uterine muscles.
  • Induction and Augmentation of Labor:
  • In medical settings,  is used to induce labor in pregnant women who have reached full-term but have not yet started labor spontaneously. It is also used to augment labor that is progressing slowly or inadequately.
  • Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage:

  • Oxytocin acetate is administered to prevent or treat postpartum hemorrhage, a significant cause of maternal mortality. By promoting uterine contractions, it helps to control bleeding after childbirth.
  • Stimulation of Milk Ejection (Letdown Reflex):
  •  facilitates the release of milk from the mammary glands during breastfeeding. It triggers smooth muscle cells around the milk ducts to contract, allowing milk to flow.
  • Bonding and Social Behavior:
  • Oxytocin, including its synthetic form oxytocin acetate, is associated with social bonding, trust, and empathy. It influences behaviors related to attachment and social interactions, although the exact mechanisms in humans are still being studied.
  • Potential Therapeutic Applications:
  • Research suggests that oxytocin and its analogs like may have therapeutic potential beyond reproductive health. This includes applications in anxiety disorders, autism spectrum disorders, and enhancing social cognition, although more research is needed to establish efficacy and safety in these areas.

It’s important to note that oxytocin acetate is typically administered under medical supervision due to its potent effects on uterine contractions and potential side effects. Its use in clinical settings is carefully monitored to ensure safe and effective outcomes for both the mother and baby during childbirth and postpartum care.


side effect

Oxytocin acetate, like any medication, can potentially cause side effects, especially when used in clinical settings for induction of labor or management of postpartum hemorrhage. Here are some possible side effects associated:

Oxytocin Acetate 2mg hot sale

  • Uterine Hyperstimulation:
  • One of the most significant risks of oxytocin acetate is uterine hyperstimulation, which can lead to excessively strong or prolonged contractions. This can potentially compromise blood flow to the placenta and fetus, necessitating careful monitoring during administration.
  • Uterine Rupture:
  • In rare cases, especially in women with a history of uterine surgery or previous uterine rupture, can increase the risk of uterine rupture. This is a serious complication that may require emergency intervention.
  • Water Intoxication:
  • Oxytocin acetate can affect fluid balance in the body, potentially leading to water intoxication or hyponatremia (low sodium levels) in the mother, especially if large volumes of intravenous fluids are administered concurrently.


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    Weight 1 kg
    Dimensions 20 × 20 × 20 cm



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