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Epithalon 10/50mg Peptide for sale USA warehouse

weight: 10/50mg/vial,10vials/box


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Epithalon, also known as Epitalon or Epithalamin, is a synthetic peptide composed of four amino acids (Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly). It has been studied for its potential anti-aging effects and other health benefits. Here are some key aspects of Epithalon:

  • Anti-Aging Properties:
  • By potentially increasing telomerase activity, Epithalon is theorized to help slow down the process of cellular aging and extend cell lifespan. This could have implications for delaying age-related diseases and promoting longevity.
  • Immune System Regulation:
  • Epithalon has been shown in studies to enhance immune function, including improving T-cell function and increasing natural killer cell activity. This immune modulation may contribute to its overall health benefits.
  • Neuroprotective Effects:
  • Some research suggests that Epithalon may have neuroprotective properties, potentially protecting nerve cells from damage and supporting cognitive function.
  • Experimental Research:

  • Most of the research on Epithalon has been conducted in animal models and cell cultures. Clinical studies in humans are limited, and more research is needed to confirm its safety and efficacy in humans.
  • Safety Considerations:
  • Epithalon is generally considered safe based on available research, with minimal reported side effects. However, as with any peptide or supplement, individual responses may vary, and long-term effects are not fully understood.

In summary, Epithalon is a peptide with potential anti-aging, immune-modulating, and neuroprotective properties. While promising, further research is needed to validate its effects and establish its role in clinical applications for human health and longevity.



Epithalon, a synthetic peptide composed of four amino acids (Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly), is primarily studied for its potential effects on aging and overall health. Here are the main effects associated with Epithalon:

  • Telomere Lengthening:

  • Epithalon is believed to activate telomerase, an enzyme that can lengthen telomeres. Telomeres are protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that shorten with each cell division, a process associated with cellular aging. Lengthening telomeres may potentially slow down the aging process at the cellular level.
  • Anti-Aging Properties:
  • By preserving or extending telomere length, Epithalon is theorized to help maintain cellular health and function over time. This could contribute to slowing down age-related decline in tissues and organs, potentially delaying the onset of age-related diseases.
  • Immune System Enhancement:
  • Epithalon has shown in studies to enhance immune function, particularly by improving T-cell activity and increasing natural killer cell function. A stronger immune system may support overall health and resilience against infections and diseases.
  • Neuroprotective Effects:
  • Some research suggests that Epithalon may have neuroprotective properties, potentially protecting nerve cells from damage and supporting cognitive function. This could be beneficial in aging-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Experimental Research:
  • Most research on Epithalon has been conducted in animal models and cell cultures. Clinical studies in humans are limited, and more research is needed to validate its effects and safety in human subjects.
  • Safety and Side Effects:
  • Epithalon appears to have a favorable safety profile based on available research, with minimal reported side effects. However, as with any peptide or supplement, individual responses may vary, and long-term effects are not fully understood.

In summary,holds promise for its potential anti-aging, immune-enhancing, and neuroprotective effects. While early research is encouraging, further studies are necessary to fully understand its mechanisms of action and establish its role in clinical applications for promoting health and longevity.

side effect

Based on current research and available information, Epithalon (Epitalon) is generally considered to have a favorable safety profile with minimal reported side effects. However, it’s important to note that research on is primarily in experimental stages, and comprehensive long-term studies in humans are limited. Here are some considerations regarding potential side effects of Epithalon:

Epithalon 50mg

  • Minimal Reported Side Effects:
  • In studies conducted so far, Epithalon has been reported to have few, if any, adverse effects. Participants generally tolerate it well, and no significant safety concerns have been noted in short-term studies.
  • Safety in Clinical Studies:
  • While there is a lack of extensive clinical data in humans, animal studies and initial human trials have not indicated any significant toxicity or harmful effects.


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    Weight 1 kg
    Dimensions 20 × 20 × 20 cm



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